Sunday 10 November 2013


October 7th - 11th 2013

October 7th - 11th was Hair for Hospices week we all got involved in this and came up with lots of ideas. We baked cakes to sell to the students and clients, we invited local children into the salon where we plaited and braided their hair with funky ribbons for a small donation, we donated £1 from every paying client all week, our tutor wore a different wig every day, we went collecting with collection buckets and one of the students Charlotte had half her head shaved. It was a fantastic week and altogether we raised £1049.84 which was incredible. We were invited along to the Queenscourt Hospice in Southport to see just how the money would be spent and learn more about the hospice. We were all very proud of our achievements and glad to see it going to such a worthy cause.

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